Opossum Saga, TBC
"Opossum is the only marsupial on the North American continent--meaning it raises its young in a pouch. The pouch contains thirteen nipples. There can be more than thirteen young born but only thirteen survive. The number turns out to be highly symbolic having nothing to do with bad luck. Thirteen represents the symbol for the one great sun around which the twelve signs of the zodiac revolve. Opossum is the symbol of the sun within. As a spirit animal, it has the unique ability to divert attention by displaying the right appearance. Opossum can teach us how to adjust our behaviors and appearances for the greatest benefit." Ted Andrews, Animal Speak
So today, July 28, I relocated the fifth opossum in a row. I do believe I will be working with all thirteen. BTW, they adore peanut butter. Nothing like nature to remind me of my purpose. I haven't done much reflecting on dominion versus domination. As a Kin Domain co-creator, I have a responsibility to understand dominion. I have some ideas brewing in my thoughts. Right now I'll continue to study Rudolph Steiner and bio-dynamic farming.
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