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Julie graduated from Creighton University with a major in dance and Theology and taught for several years at an inner-city school in Milwaukee. With a desire to expand her knowledge of the arts and spirituality, she attended St. John’s University in Collegeville and completed a Masters in Theology and Liturgical Studies. Over the years, her quest to merge diverse religious beliefs and practices through the commonalities of love and peaceful living, led her to travel, live, and study with shaman practitioners, herbal healers, Native American medicine women, Buddhist priests and other earth-based spiritual teachers. Through these experiences and experiences with global metaphysical teachings, she learned to honor the eternal source of love in all people.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kin Critters

If you have followed my blog since April, you know I've had revolving issues with rabbits and squirrels. After many garden re-plantings and repairs, I invested in a live trap and relocated several of these animals. Since mid June I have had minimal problems. However, yesterday, I noticed several ripe and ready zucchini had been partially eaten. From the teeth marks, I figured I had another determined squirrel and set my trap with peanut butter. This morning who should I see "playing dead" in the trap--opossum.

I finished my chores then took him or her away for relocation. This was the slowest release ever. All the other relocatees have shot out of the trap like a bolt of lightening. This time I opened the door and he/she literally ambled into the high grasses towards the woods as if on a Sunday stroll . When I returned home, I looked up the spirit message behind opossum using Ted Andrews's, Animal Speak.

I discovered that opossum is the only marsupial on the North American continent--meaning it raises its young in a pouch. The pouch contains thirteen nipples. There can be more than thirteen young born but only thirteen survive. The number turns out to be highly symbolic having nothing to do with bad luck. Thirteen represents the symbol for the one great sun around which the twelve signs of the zodiac revolve. Opossum is the symbol of the sun within. As a spirit animal, it has the unique ability to divert attention by displaying the right appearance. Opossum can teach us how to adjust our behaviors and appearances for the greatest benefit.

Yesterday, July 21, was the solar eclipse which for us in the Midwest happened at night. So wow, with the symbolism of opossum and the timing of the eclipse, I'd say this was a very strong spirit message to me. As I start the new projects I have planned, I'll be ever vigilant of this application. Blessings to all.


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