Serial Stories

For my mother, serial stories were a cherished moment in her busy day. Weekly and monthly periodicals targeting women contained wonderful, uplifting, and engaging stories that would be spun out over a period of time from a month to a year. I loved going to my grandmother’s house and collecting all the back issues of these types of magazines and reading the entire story at once.
My patience for waiting for a further installment has never been good. Anyone remember waiting for the next Nancy Drew Mystery to arrive? Or more recently, for the next episode of Kinsey Millhone in the Sue Grafton alphabetized set?
As the 2010, Dagara Earth year draws to a close and the Dagara Water year, 2011, looms on the horizon, I am going to resurrect a short, sweet story told in my style of metaphysics blended with paranormal and laced with the subtly of water. If you miss a segment, you can always refer to the archive. Hope you’ll visit each Wednesday and Sunday though December 21st for your engaging moment.
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