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Julie graduated from Creighton University with a major in dance and Theology and taught for several years at an inner-city school in Milwaukee. With a desire to expand her knowledge of the arts and spirituality, she attended St. John’s University in Collegeville and completed a Masters in Theology and Liturgical Studies. Over the years, her quest to merge diverse religious beliefs and practices through the commonalities of love and peaceful living, led her to travel, live, and study with shaman practitioners, herbal healers, Native American medicine women, Buddhist priests and other earth-based spiritual teachers. Through these experiences and experiences with global metaphysical teachings, she learned to honor the eternal source of love in all people.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dagara Grief Technique

To weep is to make less the depth of grief.
~William Shakespeare, King Henry the Sixth

Sobonfu Some teaches the importance of tears and the importance of someone bearing witness to those tears.  In the western world our instincts are to offer kind soothing touch to ease away or shut off the tears.  The Dagara way is to allow the grieving person an opportunity to cry without physical interference.  Touch can shut down the tears that are ready to flow or flowing.  During her Dagara grief rituals, Sobonfu demonstrates different grieving body language that would require the support person to intervene with touch.  The touch is specific to the ritual.  Done correctly, it will not shut down the emotional release.  Sobonfu's calendar for grief ritual in the United States is listed on her website.


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