Thought into Action
I wish I'd been of the generation when shop class was an elective for girls just like home economics. I made this chicken tractor myself using half discarded wood and half discounted wood from a local hardware store. My tools were an electric drill, scroll saw, level, staple gun, and hammer.
One problem with discarded wood is that nothing is true. Lots of bowed sections make matching up corners really difficult. The door went on with a lot of shaving and measuring.
My four "ladies" have been very happy and flock to see me in the morning when I move the coop across the yard, add feed, and give them fresh water. Still some things to solve, like when to remove the Rubbermaid house and add a nesting box.
One of the things Anastasia, from the Ringing Cedar Series, repeatedly says is "people think it through". I do love to sit and ponder a good solution. I really love to sit on the grass near the hens and think. They make lovely sounds which tune my ears to other lovely sounds of nature all around me. I'm in agreement that we need to clean up where we are in order to make the world a better place. Co-create a Space of Love out of your Kin Domain.
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