Urban Chickens
Six weeks ago I introduced one of my Rhode Island Red chicks on the blog. Look how they've grown. They love the green grass and their new home. After studying numerous chicken tractor designs, I designed and built one which holds my four. Somebody asked me why four? When I picked up my one day old chicks, I wasn't completely sure I'd be able to meet all their needs so I calculated the potential for a fatality among them--little did I know what an excellent mother hen I'd be! All have survived and appear to be thriving. I'm told they are sexed as females but I'm not convinced. Unfortunately any roosters among them must be sent to a nearby farm as we're not allowed to keep them in the city. If you are interested in finding some of the best chicken tractor designs anywhere check out this site The City Chicken. Also watch my blog this next week as I'll be posting photos of my design.
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