Sex or Nurturing?
From my years of married life, I can say I’ve grown in sexual wisdom. I truly could care less about the act and action it takes to derive pleasure from the sexual experience. What I want, what I truly want from sex, isn’t sex at all but nurturing. Twenty years ago, I wanted to co-create. Children were the desired outcome of sex. After children, what I wanted was the nurturing that happens through basic touch.
Let me define what I mean. Touch is hands caressing hands, feet caressing feet. Lips grazing, resting upon hair, cheek, eyes, lips, hands. Arms embracing arms. Shoulders brushing. Hugging. The soothing gesture of the hand rubbing circles on the back. The holding of another human in a solid warmth without expectation or reciprocity but with infinite transference of love knowing that with my beloved I am in the presence of divine perfection.
Our medical market is making a huge profit from our aging population. If you cannot stay “beautiful and keep the body functions necessary for meaningful sex than you become part of that disposable human population labeled elderly. Who wouldn’t want to succumb to Alziemers when according to media, the outcome for living becomes meaningless after the sexual functions shut down? What would happen if we took the very best part of every religious and secular teaching on sex and dissected them to come up with one universal truth? Would the outcome be respect for life?
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