Kin Domain style bee hives

I've been pondering how to get a bee hive near my garden. Living in the city creates unique challenges. Bee phobia is making life difficult for the poor honey bee. In the near future, I will visit the local agriculture college. I need some answers to all the concerns. I'd really be interested in the type of hives Anastasia suggested in the Ringing Cedars series. They sound inviting to the honey bee and aesthetically pleasing to humans. I found a site with a drawing but the instructions were written in Russian. Perhaps I can have my son's friend, who speaks fluent Russian, translate the article. There are some fabulous sites with photos of traditional box designs. Does anyone have a favorite honey bee hive you'd like to share? Please contact me, or send me a photo for my collection. For lots of great information on honey bees and hive construction check out this site:
Can you send any photos of the beehives
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