Description of a Kin Domain

A Kin's Domain is a parcel of land for the permanent residence of a family, one hectare (100 m x 100 m) in size, on which a family can build its house, plant an ancestral tree, its own forest, orchard and garden, and construct a pond. The perimeter of a Kin's Domain is enclosed by a hedge of forest plants - cedar, coniferous and deciduous trees, and shrubs.
The Kin's Domain represents the solution to many problems involving the family. It is a comfortable residence, as well as a worthy space for living, which is suitable for everyone, where there is enough space for man, animals, and plants alike. It is an organization of living space according to the principle of "everything at hand." Thus, for the owners of Kin's Domains, there is no longer the need to go to the cellar according to a schedule, to go "to the ends of the earth" to get to a country house, to grow potatoes in a separate spot, go out of town to breathe the forest air or find a water hole to bathe in.
A kin's settlement is a group of closely situated kin's domains, whose owners have become united in a general partnership for the joint construction of a kin's settlement, for the creation of the appropriate infrastructure for administrative, educational, medical, cultural, sporting, and other social establishments and institutions.
- How do ecological kin's settlements differ from existing built-up areas?
- Financially the most expensive part of modern cottage settlements are centralized life-support systems - kilometers of trenches, pipes, wires, hundreds of poles for electrical power lines, etc. The main feature of eco-villages consisting of Kin's Domains is their autonomy. Autonomy in obtaining electricity may be provided by solar batteries, mini-wind generators and mini-hydraulic turbine generators, "star batteries," and other newer developments in the area of power supply.
Houses may be heated by stoves providing economical catalytic heating, a Russian stove, gas installations. In order to keep the air of eco-villages clean, it is necessary to exclude the use of coal.
In addition, there exist energy conserving technologies for the construction of residences and alternative construction materials.
The fitting out of an autonomous water supply system is planned on the parcel, consisting of mutually replenishing and exchanging sources of water from wells, bore-holes, ponds, and springs.
- Why is a hedge needed around the perimeter of the parcel?
- A question of no small importance that is not resolved in city conditions and even in the modern cottage settlement is the proximity of neighbors and the frequently common fence with them. In the conditions of a Kin's Domain, it is necessary to plan for the presence of roads and paths around each of the four sides of a parcel. Moreover, the size of the paths is not less than three to four meters, the size of the road is two or three times greater. Where there is no common fence with a neighbor, there are no boundary disputes.
A hedge, where trees and shrubs preserve their natural appearance, does not require special care in the future. Its width may be from three to ten meters, its height from 15 to 20 meters. Only in such circumstances are neighbors "not seen and not heard." A hedge is able to provide protection not only from the wind, dust, and extraneous odors, but also from noise. And tall forest trees and flowering shrubs do not provoke irritation from the surrounding neighbors, as would, for example, a high stone fence.
A small forest planted with one's own hands will over time provide mushrooms, berries, nuts; it will serve as a home for birds and animals, who have their own role to play in the ecosystem of the domain. If a forest is growing nearby, then the harvest of potatoes will increase by 25 to 30%, the harvest of fruits, from 45 to 50%, and grasses, by 100%.
The Kin's Domain is, in fact, a forest glade built by the members of a family, a type of "garden in the forest," where everything exists that is necessary for the life and nutrition of a family.
Above material taken from, What is a Kin's Domain as published by
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