Kin Domains
Years ago I began writing my Book of Kin. Years ago I created a Space of Love. Years ago I had a Kin Domain. Now is the time for the image, so profound in my thoughts so ripe in my feelings, to come forward into my reality. Will you join me on this journey in co-creating higher community? For the month of March, I pledge to write something each day that reflects the truth of who we are. Perhaps a bit of my Book of Kin will spill out. Perhaps revelations on a Space of Love in modern times. Perhaps the full vision of an eco-village so ready to be born that the energetics of the words vibrate on the screen. My dear guest, know this amidst all the emotional chaos, you are loved!
Dear Julie:
Thank you for your beautiful words. My heart is so full and I'm so grateful for your commitment to help reflect the truth of who we are as humans on a daily basis. Thank you, thank you, thank you. --Jojopah
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