And the bird is a...

If you tried to make a guess on Wednesday, and wondered about the outcome, here's the scoop. I contacted The Cornell Lab of Orinthology and asked if I could send a picture for identification. The woman who responded back had an answer for me this morning.
It's an American Goldfinch, says the CLO Public Information Specialist, "identifiable by their conical bill; pointed, notched tail; wingbars; and lack of streaking." First year she thinks and probably a female. Click the link above and read about this lovely bird. The Cornell website is also very good. If you're a birder, you should bookmark it.
Here are a few guesses from my timid guests:
Yellow Throated Vireo
Traill's Flycatcher
Finch of some kind
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Thanks everyone for all the great help. Naturally my next step is to check out Ted Andrews, Animal Speak book. There will be some message here for me since I needed to pursue this identification with such intensity.
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